作者:admin 日期:2009-3-11 14:49:47 人气:




English” is the global language and fluency is a key to success in today’s world.   However, acquiring fluency requires an environment suitable for people to practice.   This is easier said than accomplished.

At DAHUA CILC we understand what it takes and invite YOU to participate in creating such an environment.  By becoming a DFCmember, you will join a growing group of English Language enthusiasts who enjoy many privileges and VIP status.  So what does this mean in simple context, who is it for? 
Youn beco DFC member if you are old enough to walk and talk – and - your heart still beats. Does that make sense?


Would you like to?

Improve your English                          改善您的英语水平

 Enjoy VIP status                            享受贵宾待遇

Come along to our EC/ES for free            免费参加中心英语角活动

Join our outdoor activities for less money    优惠参加户外英语

 Study at a discounted price                 优惠大华英语课程

 Free access to our restricted learning online areas  免费大华网上英语学习

Enter any competition for free             免费参加大华英语比賽

 Receive additional privileges and much more       享受更多额外优惠和服

Get regular Club news, English learning tips…  获最新的活动消息及培训资讯

Well, then we suggest you give us a call very soon, and claim some extras if you fall among the first 200   registrants.  Don’t forget to invite your friend(s) and collect bonus points… what for – we will tell you after you registered, ok! So dash off to be part of an exciting, winning community and enjoy the fun!



热线电话:  (0752) 228-4499
